Heal Your Sexuality, Trust Your Feminine Power, Become the Goddess of Love
5 Modules, Instant Access, Join Future Live Temples for FREE
Enrollment Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
5 Modules, Instant Access, Join Future Live Temples for FREE
Enrollment Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
5 Modules, Instant Access, Join Future Live Temples for FREE
Enrollment Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Hayley Ebersole
Yoga Teacher & Embodiment Coach
Sedona, Arizona
I deeply respect Camille's gentle authenticity, devotion to study and deeply embodied approach. As a powerful storyteller-dream-weaver she holds a sacred and safe container where we're free to question violent cultural norms so we can learn to love and accept ourselves more fully.
To feel beautiful in your skin, to receive the pleasure of your senses, to love from the depths of your soul, and to create from your authentic power.
You deserve to claim what you desire, to revel in your own delight, to celebrate your womanly flesh, to respect the value of your life, and to allow your cup to overflow.
And yet…
We live in a world where women have learned to sacrifice our souls, our bodies, our voices, our power, and our gifts for false promises of salvation and survival within a many thousand year cycle of women’s oppression under patriarchy.
At a time in humanity when healing with the Feminine is the only thing that will ensure our survival and thrival as a species, we return to the birthplace of humanity, the body of a woman, and ask Her to show us a new way.
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Christine CK Lau
Camille’s storytelling brought ‘aha’ moments as I understood I was not alone. That others had walked the path before me. That my story was OK. That I was OK.
Camille is a multi-faceted Goddess Guide who truly heard our hearts and reflected our wisdom to us. She customized the ceremonies to our individual group.
What if everything we’ve been taught to distrust about our womanhood is the very doorway home to Goddess within us?
In turn, most women have experienced numerous forms of violation trauma from the time we were maidens, and at the very least struggle to receive the depths of pleasure we crave while doubting our power to create what we truly desire.
Feminine pleasure was once recognized as the essential nectar that would fertilize the land, bless the crops, and ensure abundance for generations to come.
Our ancestors once bowed to the female body as God, for the womb of a woman births the next generation. A woman’s body was not only a place of child birthing, but was an oracle, a temple, following the rhythms of creation through our moon cycles and life cycles.
After thousands of years of forgetting, we’ve finally arrived at the time of our great re-membering.
Goddess is rising once again.
She rises not only in the landscape of our world and in the structures of our society, but within our psyche and our body.
Within our spirituality and our sexuality. Within our personal and collective remembrance of the value of the Feminine as our Mother Earth, as ourselves, as Life.
This rebirth will come through women choosing to honor ourselves, to honor our bodies, to honor our sexuality, to honor our life, and to trust the wild river of our power as the conduit that unites Heaven and Earth.
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Victoria (Bhuvaha) Neal
Medicine Woman & Healer
Stocktown, Missouri
The stories, the music, the practices, the connections to other sacred females on the Earth has given my sacred feminine the loving support that she needed to start showing up and speaking for herself and to come out of the shadows.
I have rediscovered and reconnected to parts of myself that I did not even know I lost!! And the self love practices have allowed me to love and accept myself in ways I never thought possible!
Rose petals fall at your feet, your body is blessed with the holy nectars of life, the Goddess weaves her enchanting magic, and all that you are is revered as sacred and whole.
Whatever your personal ancestry, there is a version of Aphrodite who was once worshipped as the sacred sensual feminine within your cultural lineage.
For the Sumerians, she was Inanna. For the Yoruba, she was Oshun. For the Maya, she was Ixchel. For the Hindus, she is Lakshmi. And for the Athenians, Corinths, Cytherans, and Cyprians she was Aphrodite.
As the personification of Venus, she governs the domains of fertility, sexuality, romance, pleasure, eroticism, feminine power, and all forms of love. She is both spiritual and sexual, body and soul, lover and beloved, heaven and earth.
Together in Awakening Aphrodite we directly commune with our own inner Aphrodite to heal and reclaim these feminine regions within ourselves.
We worship our bodies as the Goddess incarnate, self source our own erotic ecstasy, summon the love we desire & deserve, and rebirth the Divine Feminine as nectar for the world.
⟐ Skills and rituals to directly commune with the Feminine inside of your own body and bring her to life in a visceral paradigm shifting way ⟐
⟐ Powerful sexual healing tools to release shame, transform ancient wounding, and embody your eroticism as sacred ⟐
⟐ The secrets of female orgasm and how to open your clitoral, vaginal, and cervical gateways for multi-dimensional healing ⟐
⟐ Potent exercises to hear the voice of your womb and claim your right to what actually turns her on and gives her life ⟐
⟐ Sacred union embodiment practices to connect with the felt sense of your masculine and feminine energies to receive their wisdom and cultivate balance ⟐
⟐ Sexual magic arts for healing from past lovers, clearing your womb space, releasing karmic loops, and restoring self love ⟐
⟐ Orgasmic wombifestation rituals to listen to your deeper desires and expand your capacity to birth those desires into the world ⟐
⟐ Nature reconnection arts to open the inner oracle and be a voice and channel for Mother Earth ⟐
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Washington State
Through Camille’s words of wisdom, I no longer feared the power of life inside of me but was shown how to cherish, respect, and honor the sacred wisdom that had been patiently waiting to reemerge. I was able to finally honor my nature without the shame and fear I had been raised with.
I not only was given a safe space to explore and reconnect with my own Divine Feminine, but I was also given tools and guidance through the pathways of the Goddesses that had walked before me to help foster her rebirth.
You hold within you a unique Aphrodite frequency which is your own authentic embodiment of pleasure, beauty, sensuality, eroticism, love, abundance, and power.
Our journey is designed to return you to the long forgotten regions of your own Venusian feminine power, to rediscover your own Aphrodite nature and reclaim what has always been yours.
What keeps women from allowing ourselves the fullness of pleasure that we deserve and desire at the deepest level?
In this module you’ll discover the intimate relationship between feminine beauty and the pleasure of life, repairing your innate connection to your nature and restoring an unshakeable sense of true worthiness at your core.
⟐ Discover a pathway for freedom from patriarchal beauty narratives and claim your radiance for yourself ⟐
⟐ Instantly feel more beautiful, confident, sensual, and alive in your own skin through Body Worship arts ⟐
⟐ Remember the secret wisdom of Mother Earth for healing with your body exactly as you already are ⟐
⟐ Learn to work with beauty as a superpower that dissolves comparison and allows every woman to shine ⟐
Why do so many women feel shame in our erotic nature and struggle with claiming the truth of what we authentically desire?
In this module you’ll return to your body as the temple of Goddess, repairing boundary violations, religious shame, and reawakening ancient Priestess wisdom through multi-dimensional sexual healing arts.
⟐ Discern the messages of your womb to become the Queen of your own ecstatic YES and NO ⟐
⟐ Meet your inner sexual archetypes and discover the secret powers of your own flavors of the Virgin & the Whore ⟐
⟐ Learn how to clear the energies of past lovers from your body to become the Priestess of your own temple again ⟐
⟐ Be transformed by your orgasmic gateways through clitoral, vaginal, and cervical rebirths ⟐
How do we learn to trust the infinite depths of our insatiable yearning for love rather than deny it or project it onto our lovers?
In this module you’ll expand your capacity for romantic desire, unite your inner masculine and feminine, release karmic hooks with past lovers, and awaken the Beloved within yourself.
⟐ Discover the truth about the “twin flame” and why the concept of “The One” can keep us from the love we desire ⟐
⟐ Experience the most profound union with the Beloved through meeting your own shadow side ⟐
⟐ Awaken from karma looping with past or current lovers by discovering the key that breaks the spell once and for all ⟐
⟐ Learn how to follow the thread of your unfulfilled yearning for love to be reborn through the Source of Love Herself ⟐
What keeps women from trusting our power to birth and sustain all Life, and how are we being guided to reclaim this power on behalf of the world?
In this module you’ll listen to the wisdom inside of your body, the wisdom of your womb, to birth a new consciousness rooted in the sustainability of Life. This requires bowing to your power as love in action and listening to a deeper calling from within.
⟐ Rediscover the lost feminine arts of drawing the visions of your soul into the material world ⟐
⟐ Learn how to awaken the inner oracle to receive direct wisdom for your unique dharmic path ⟐
⟐ Receive the hidden link between abundance and feminine pleasure to be well as you create your dreams ⟐
⟐ Cultivate the courage to face the power of Life inside of you, to literally birth a new world ⟐
⟐ Reclaim in 5 weeks what women have been denied for thousands of years ⟐
⟐ Be the first woman in your lineage for countless generations to remember her body as Goddess ⟐
⟐ Transform the path for future generations by doing the deep feminine work that at some point someone within the lineage will have to do ⟐
⟐ Live the life you know you came here to live, and stop waiting to prioritize your pleasure, power, and desires as valuable and essential for yourself and the world ⟐
⟐ Take full advantage of the privilege you’ve been given in this lifetime by being a woman who gets to choose her sex, her mate, her path, and her life ⟐
⟐ Be the Goddess you already are and make it easier for every woman on Earth to reclaim this inherent birthright ⟐
When you join us for Awakening Aphrodite this year, you have the opportunity to create the change inside of yourself and within your lineage that literally paves the way for our world to heal with the Feminine beyond our greatest imagination.
What is that worth to you?
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Vera Oshun Wilde
Vancouver, BC.
My intention was to begin to explore the womb mysteries and the transmissions that I received within the safety of the sacred space that Camille weaved was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined it would be.
I know that this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey diving into the mysteries of the Divine Feminine and I feel honored to have received my introduction from Earth Daughters.
Awakening Aphrodite is rich with Goddess mythology, deep feminine wisdom, sacred pleasure practices, sensual embodiment arts, magical rituals, liberating playlists and movement explorations, potent online group ceremonies, a loving community of like hearted sisters, and is woven with the powerful transmission of Aphrodite Herself.
This is the heart of our journey where we enter the four temple doorways of Aphrodite’s domain: True Beauty, Sexual Sovereignty, Sacred Union, and Heaven on Earth. Each module includes an in depth audio lesson, an audio embodiment or self pleasure ceremony, an Aphrodite movement playlist, and a vibrant playbook with daily rituals, practices, and self guided ceremonies.
Create an exquisite space for your own Aphrodite journey to come alive with safety and sacredness with our bonus Arrive in Reverence Module. This module includes guidance for setting up your Aphrodite altar, creating an intention setting ceremony, setting the space to receive this journey, and a powerful opening audio herstory for weaving the wisdom of sacred feminine resurrection.
You’ll receive access to all recordings from our Summer 2024 Live Temple, 5 ceremonies total. We create a depth of intimacy that is unparalleled in the online space. I bring the Aphrodite magic with fresh transmissions, somatic practices, and soulful group connection arts. You’ll also be invited to join us again LIVE in Summer 2025 for FREE (and all future LIVE Aphrodite temples.)
You’ll be held the entire journey in our private women’s sanctuary hosted on Mighty Networks. Lean in to the support of sisterhood, share your journey, witness one another, and feel the webs of connection across the world. Because it’s off social media you can disconnect from the noise and immerse yourself in the temple of Aphrodite instead. Because our temple already happened LIVE this Summer, you’ll have many posts to already explore.
Every woman holds within her body an ocean of pleasure. rivers, waterfalls, and springs of bliss, regeneration, and healing. In this brand new bonus course Sexual Baptism, you’ll be guided to receive the blessings of these waters within you, through your amrita orgasm (aka female ejaculation). So much more than learning to come, this is a journey of healing through the fountain of life within your sacred sexuality. Includes in depth playbook, female ejaculation anatomy, and a guided audio pleasure journey.
What do we do when pleasure doesn’t feel safe? In this audio I offer a simple practice to use whenever you want to expand your capacity for feeling good and receiving more of what you desire in a somatically safe way. Audio includes a deep feminine embodiment process to open your system to more of what you genuinely desire and what feels good in your whole being.
To various degrees we have all inherited sexual shame through our culture. It’s one of the BIGGEST topics that comes up in our Aphrodite temple over the years. This bonus audio journey offers a gentle safe, sacred feminine embodiment practice for softening into the Original Innocence that is the true nature of your sexuality as Life. It’s designed to help you release what has never been yours, and reclaim your sexual Source.
Be held in the women’s temple for a deep immersive somatic journey into your sacred sexuality. Honor your true YES and NO from the felt knowing within your body trust your womb and her wisdom as your guide, call upon your pleasure as a resource for personal, ancestral, and collective healing, reclaim your pleasure as inherently sacred.
This sacred feminine pleasure journey is designed to guide you in creating your own at home Body Worship ceremony, in honor of how sacred every part of you truly is and has always been. You’ll receive an in-depth Sacred Sexual Anatomy Playbook as well as a one hour guided self pleasure ceremony.
I love to give a lot of value, for every woman to feel lavished in abundance and also to pick and choose which practices are most resonating with her in a particular season of her journey. For this reason, you’ll have LIFETIME access to the course so you can revisit and go deeper again and again. You’ll also have the opportunity to join us again for future live journeys.
When you register by August 16th (the day registration closes), you’ll also be invited to join us again for FREE in future LIVE temples including Summer of 2025.
This means, you can receive our entire Aphrodite temple NOW, to access instantly, AND you can join us again LIVE next year. Rather than wait another year to claim the power of your Aphrodite nature, you can start the work now, and go even deeper with us in our live group immersion in 2025.
Essentially, you have nothing to lose by saying yes now, because you’ll be able to still dive in with us when Awakening Aphrodite reopens live next year.
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Teresa Biggs
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
“To do the work of integrating Body + Soul, Light + Dark, Humanity + Divinity is not easy. I recognized this and was looking to further my connection with this process. There are many twists and turns and the most challenging is not knowing what you don’t know along the journey.
Camille not only offers deep wisdom (that born of knowledge + experience), but also facilitates a safe & sacred space for you to discover yourself again and again and again.
The Awakening Aphrodite temple & Camille, were the guides to all the places where I needed to re-member, re-connect, & most importantly RE-WILD myself; supporting me on a deeper journey to Know Myself.
I created Awakening Aphrodite because I know that as women we need to recreate a sacred feminine education that our ancestors were once required to burn, bury, hide, and forget.
As a girl, a teen, and eventually a young woman, no one taught me even the basics about my sexuality, how to feel my own erotic energy, how to respect my own boundaries, and how to choose what I actually desired for my body and for my life.
I most certainly did not learn that my body and sexuality were gateways to communion with the Divine, that I was a living breathing emanation of Nature, nor that my emotions, dreams, desires, fears, aversions, and even greatest suffering were all evidence of Goddess within me.
Through a big wake up call, in 2012 I moved to the jungle of Central America and experienced a wild awakening between my own body and the pulse of Mother Earth. I was forever changed through the creative force of the Feminine.
For years I traveled all across the world, falling in love with Nature, learning from different cultures, discovering my authentic dreams and desires, and studying every spiritual system under the sun. From 2012 to 2018 I wrote a blog about my journey that was read by millions of people around the world and guided women’s rewilding retreats.
Eventually in 2018 I experienced a profound rebirth through descending into the embrace of my own womb, and was annihilated by what I discovered there. In the depths of my own unchartered lands, I realized how tremendously the Feminine had been abandoned and violated inside of my own body, in my lineage, and in the world.
In the process, to my amazement, I also discovered a deeper well of Love than I ever imagined possible, the very One I had been yearning for all of my life, and a remembrance of my body as inherently Sacred.
Since then I’ve been devoted to unearthing our ancient truth as women, discovering the hidden maps of healing within our bodies, awakening the higher potential of feminine sexuality, and above all learning how to trust feminine power as the creative current of Life.
It’s now my offering and devotion to create sacred spaces where women can be the fullness of Life that we innately are and know that we are inherently worthy as the living dynamism of Nature.
The work of course continues, and with humbleness, grace, and humor I welcome you to cherish the fullness of your feminine pleasure, power, desire, and love in our sanctuary of women remembering for the well being of all.
Because credentials matter, I have been facilitating sacred spaces for women for more than a decade, I’m a trained and certified transcendental dance meditation facilitator, yoga teacher, breathworker, sacred ceremonialist, and women’s circle guide.
My advanced studies have included womb wisdom, blood mysteries, ancient Goddess religions, female shamanism, rites of passage, tantric healing arts, and many forms of somatic and esoteric healing. I am a forever student of the Feminine and the wild.
Aphrodite became a powerful guide for me in 2019 and brought me on multiple pilgrimages to Greece, which included many remembrances of past temple lifetimes as a Priestess of Aphrodite and a sacred steward of the living waters of Earth.
In April 2020 when the world went into lockdown, I birthed Awakening Aphrodite as a channeling from Goddess that Aphrodite’s medicine was most needed at this time of collective chaos and revelation. It is the current of authentic feminine pleasure rooted in love that quite literally births a new world and a new humanity.
If you feel Aphrodite calling you, I am honored to welcome you for Awakening Aphrodite, to reclaim what has always been yours.
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Lina Martina Gut
Writer & Yogini
My biggest insight with Awakening Aphrodite was the whole concept on weaving the white and red rivers, the heart and the womb, the power and the peace.
I was able to see my past actions and emotions with a different lens; how acting solely from one space, un integrated between heart and womb was not in fact honouring to myself or others.
A: Registration is open until Friday August 16th at 9pm EST and won’t open again until Summer 2025. If you desire to deepen your relationship with the feminine in our sacred sisterhood with my loving support, now is the time to say YES.
A: You have LIFETIME access. You’ll receive instant access to journey at your own pace, and you’ll be invited to join future LIVE Aphrodite temples for FREE.
A: You have lifetime access to all course materials for you to receive in your own timing. You can join all future LIVE temples and sessions will be recorded. You have nothing to lose by taking your time and going at your own pace.
A: To make our monthly payments as accessible as possible, with the lowest monthly payments and interest rates, payment plans are offered by partners including Klarna, Affirm, Afterpay and PayPal.
When you click on the Payment Page, you should see three colored squares, offering different financing offers, as below. Click the option to receive your specific financing offer.
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First… make sure you’re not logged in to Link. If your Link account is automatically logged in, click the “x” beside your email address and account, and the financing offers should display for you.
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Some of these providers only offer payment plans to customers in the USA because that’s where my account is registered. You may still be able to receive the financing offers, but in order to display them, you’ll need to use a VPN and set the IP Address to a USA location. I recommend this free VPN that works with Chrome.
Third… try PayPal.
If you’re outside of the USA in Europe, Canada, or Australia, click the PayPal option on the checkout page to see payment plans offered by PayPal. Payment plan options vary by country.
A: Let me be clear… every woman has the inalienable birthright to reclaim the feminine as her own. She is already inside of you and no one can give this to you or take it from you.
That said… as you may have experienced feminine healing and awakening is profoundly complex, delicate, nuanced, and vast territory that can be greatly supported with wise, deep, compassionate, skillful guidance from a facilitator who knows the terrain well.
If there’s one thing I know… it’s the feminine.
You’ll receive the fruits of countless hours and dollars I have invested in deep feminine research, healing, and embodiment work for myself and over a decade of experience guiding thousands of women in our community. It’s a space where you get to be held and receive in a sanctuary of womanhood that meets you at the depths of your being.
If you crave a deeper connection to your body, your sensuality, your sexuality, and your power as a woman, Awakening Aphrodite is worth the investment.
A: You could. But as you may already know, life responds when we say yes to our desires. Waiting until next year could also mean waiting another year to embody the depths of pleasure and power that you know are possible for you as a woman. You could wait another year, or you could say yes to your deep feminine desire now.
A: There’s a wide variety of women’s healing work available online these days. I feel this is such a blessing and a sign that the Feminine is reawakening more and more in the world. It can also be tricky to know where to invest your money and whether or not a space will resonate for you, and I get that.
This is why I always recommend exploring my free offerings first and seeing if you resonate.
Awakening Aphrodite is so unique because it merges revolutionary modern day feminism with embodied feminine healing arts, and synthesizes sexual empowerment with the spiritual priestess path. It’s rooted in the wisdom of your body and the wild truth of nature, while in full acknowledgement of the human culture in which we live.
It also includes immersive live group sessions on Zoom and a vibrant online women’s community to offer you much deeper support and belonging while doing this sensitive work.
For these reasons, Awakening Aphrodite is utterly magical and at the same time very practical for bringing into your daily life.
Again, come see how you resonate with my free offerings, then ask yourself if you want to go deeper together.
A: Great question! While all of my courses are designed to support women in reclaiming feminine power rooted in nature, Awakening Aphrodite focuses specifically on sensuality, pleasure, beauty, eroticism, love making, fertility, and creativity.
There’s a reason why we work with Aphrodite in the summer each year. The Earth and our bodies are in the midst of a profound erotic awakening, as the land and our sex become fertile for new creations. Harnessing this magical power inside of us rather than allowing it to be stifled or harvested for outside agendas, requires healing with these feminine aspects.
If you’ve been wanting to go deeper with me specifically within the realm of feminine pleasure, sacred sexuality, and creating from your soulful desires, this is the course.
Because women have asked, Awakening Aphrodite is a completely unique offering and I don’t include it in my 9 month mentorship Whole Woman Mystery School. Registering for Awakening Aphrodite is the ONLY place to receive this course material.
A: Prior experience working with feminine spirituality and womb healing is not required, however we do go very deep. We’ve had women participate in our temples who are new to this kind of work and women who facilitate this kind of work. Please be open to home practice for sacred sexuality and self touch rituals.
A: No. Our nudity and self pleasure practices are audio and written for you to explore at home in your own private space. This is to ensure safety, deeper self intimacy, and clear boundaries for everyone participating.
All live group ceremonies are fully clothed and include somatic meditations, deeper teachings, dynamic group processes, and space to be witnessed through sharing.
A: Our temple is trauma sensitive and trauma aware, however it is not a replacement for personal one to one therapy with a licensed professional. It is however an incredible compliment to working with a therapist or healer.
We journey in a way that’s slow, sensitive, and with space to sense what feels right for you, however I encourage you to deeply listen to yourself and to resource yourself in additional ways when/if it feels necessary and helpful.
It’s also an excellent resource if YOU are a therapist or healer, to be able to better support your clients with a deeper embodiment of your own feminine sensuality and to have a greater understanding of collective feminine trauma and how it shows up psychically and somatically in women.
While this temple journey can be deeply therapeutic, it is not a replacement for therapy. I am emphasizing this again, because as a trauma survivor myself it’s important to me that everyone receive the right support they need to heal.
A: As you know, the path of feminine healing and awakening is an ongoing lifelong journey and there are always new treasures to discover.
Explore my free offerings, and if they resonate, you will most definitely receive so much more from Awakening Aphrodite.
A: If you resonate with the work that I share and the messaging on this page, then yes, absolutely. We’ve had plenty of therapists, coaches, mentors, healers, and priestesses join this course over the years.
As facilitators and healers we need to be held more than ever to have the capacity to the work that we do. Learning from different teachers also gives us a wider scope of creative potential, skill, and knowledge for what we are called to bring forward into the world.
Please note that this is not a facilitator training and does not qualify you to teach what is presented in the course. However you’re of course welcome to share the fruits of your own embodiment and discoveries from this experience in the work you’re already qualified to do.
A: As soon as you register you’ll receive access to our Online Temple Portal with all of our course materials. I’ll also send you weekly emails opening the doorways for each module. Content includes audio lessons, embodiment audios, movement playlists, written pdf guides, and recorded video ceremonies.
A: While I acknowledge that all women have the right to feminine healing work and to safe sacred female spaces, I don’t have scholarships available at this time. I do have very flexible low monthly payment plans available to make it as accessible as possible for as many women are called to join. You can also come receive my free offerings over at if you don‘t have the financial resources to join.
A: Because there’s so much energy that goes into this course, refunds are not available.
I can promise you I pour my heart, womb, body, and soul into this offering, and if you align with the work I share, I have no doubt you’ll receive incredible blessings from this course.
⟐ You’re a woman who desires to awaken more of your pleasure, power, and sensuality to access more of what’s possible for you in this lifetime ⟐
⟐ You’re a healer, therapist, coach, doula, midwife, yoga teacher, or work with women, and want to go deeper in feminine healing to support yourself, your work, and your clients ⟐
⟐ You’re a mother and want to model a healthy vibrant sensual feminine for your daughters (or sons) and to support them in these transformational times through your embodied wisdom ⟐
⟐ You’ve been called to the Goddess path and recognize the essential value of bringing the feminine back into the world, beginning with your own body ⟐
⟐ You care about the future of humanity, and are open to the possibility that the secret to our collective healing, evolution, and rebirth is hidden inside of the mysteries of your own sexuality ⟐
⟐ You’ve participated in courses, retreats, or free workshops with me in the past and you want to hone in on this specific region of the feminine in a deeper way ⟐
⟐ Your body, heart, womb, or soul are telling you yes right now, and you want to honor your desire ⟐
⟐ You’re closed to the possibility you can make a difference in your own life and in the world through healing with the wisdom of your body and your soul ⟐
⟐ You’re unwilling to address collective belief systems and patriarchal norms that contribute to women’s oppression and think we should all just “forgive” already ⟐
⟐ You think you already know all there is to know about feminine healing and aren’t open nor willing to step into the mystery of what might want to happen here ⟐
⟐ You’re currently in an unstable space and anything potentially triggering could be harmful to your body and psyche, or are working with a level of trauma that requires professional support and are unwilling to get that additional help (this is not a replacement for trauma therapy) ⟐
⟐ You expect a quick fix miracle solution. Feminine awakening and healing is a winding labyrinth journey. It’s not linear. There are many twists and turns and folds. This course isn’t designed to fix you, but rather to support you on the lifelong path of awakening to who you truly are.
5 Weeks of Deep, Juicy, Powerful Feminine Awakening in the Temple of Aphrodite Guided by Camille Willemain
Registration Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
Melanie F.
Montreal, Canada
Throughout this course, I danced in many different ways with my shadow and my light, my sexuality and my spirituality, my inner virgin and inner whore, my heart and womb, my body and soul, my lover and beloved, my masculine and feminine, my humanity and my divinity - and this allowed me to first embrace and then truly embody all parts of me, more fully, more wholly.
I am so grateful for having danced with Aphrodite and for this growth within.
5 Week Sacred Women’s Immersion
Online With Camille Willemain
Enrollment Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
5 Core Aphrodite Modules w Audio Lessons, Embodiment Ceremonies, Aphrodite Playlists, and Playbooks with 28 Aphrodite Rituals ($2000 Value)
15+ Hours of Recorded Video Ceremonies ($2500 Value)
Sexual Baptism: Female Ejaculation Course with Playbook and Audio Journey ($500 Value)
Healing Sexual Shame Audio Embodiment Practice ($100 Value)
Expanding Your Capacity for Pleasure Audio Embodiment Practice ($100 Value)
Sacred Pleasure: 4 Hour Recorded Video Workshop ($500 Value)
Body Worship: In Depth Sexual Anatomy Playbook & Guided Audio Self Pleasure Ceremony ($500 Value)
Private Sisterhood Group Until Summer 2025 ($1000 Value)
LIFETIME access (Priceless)
The invitation to join us again in Summer 2025 FOR FREE ($3500)
The benefits you’ll receive from Awakening Aphrodite are genuinely priceless and will continue to blossom throughout your lifetime.
Now is the time to transform your generational inheritance and bring the sacred feminine back into the center of your life and our world.
This is my invitation for you in Awakening Aphrodite…
Flexible Options Starting at
Easy, accessible monthly payments. At checkout you’ll receive financing options.
One Single Payment of
Pay once and you’re set for the journey. Best value overall and the most relaxed way to begin.
As soon as you register you’ll receive a confirmation email and access to the course. If for any reason you have trouble, just email us
Check out our FAQs or send me an email at
Remember, registration is open until August 16th at 9pm EST
Hayley Ebersole
Yoga Teacher & Embodiment Coach
I deeply respect Camille's gentle authenticity, devotion to study and deeply embodied approach. As a powerful storyteller-dream-weaver she holds a sacred and safe container where we're free to question violent cultural norms so we can learn to love and accept ourselves more fully.
Christine CK Lau
Writer, Mama, Traveller
Camille’s storytelling brought ‘aha’ moments as I understood I was not alone. That others had walked the path before me. That my story was OK. That I was OK.
Camille is a multi-faceted Goddess Guide who truly heard our hearts and reflected our wisdom to us. She customized the ceremonies to our individual group.
Victoria (Bhuvaha) Neal
Medicine Woman & Healer
The stories, the music, the practices, the connections to other sacred females on the Earth has given my sacred feminine the loving support that she needed to start showing up and speaking for herself and to come out of the shadows.
I have rediscovered and reconnected to parts of myself that I did not even know I lost!! And the self love practices have allowed me to love and accept myself in ways I never thought possible!
Washington State
Through Camille’s words of wisdom, I no longer feared the power of life inside of me but was shown how to cherish, respect, and honor the sacred wisdom that had been patiently waiting to reemerge. I was able to finally honor my nature without the shame and fear I had been raised with.
I not only was given a safe space to explore and reconnect with my own Divine Feminine, but I was also given tools and guidance through the pathways of the Goddesses that had walked before me to help foster her rebirth.
Vera Oshun Wilde
Vancouver, BC.
My intention was to begin to explore the womb mysteries and the transmissions that I received within the safety of the sacred space that Camille weaved was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined it would be.
I know that this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey diving into the mysteries of the Divine Feminine and I feel honored to have received my introduction from Earth Daughters.
Teresa Biggs
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
“To do the work of integrating Body + Soul, Light + Dark, Humanity + Divinity is not easy. I recognized this and was looking to further my connection with this process. There are many twists and turns and the most challenging is not knowing what you don’t know along the journey.
Camille not only offers deep wisdom (that born of knowledge + experience), but also facilitates a safe & sacred space for you to discover yourself again and again and again.
The Awakening Aphrodite temple & Camille, were the guides to all the places where I needed to re-member, re-connect, & most importantly RE-WILD myself; supporting me on a deeper journey to Know Myself.
Lina Martina Gut
My biggest insight with Awakening Aphrodite was the whole concept on weaving the white and red rivers, the heart and the womb, the power and the peace.
I was able to see my past actions and emotions with a different lens; how acting solely from one space, un integrated between heart and womb was not in fact honouring to myself or others.
Melanie F.
Montreal Canada
Throughout this course, I danced in many different ways with my shadow and my light, my sexuality and my spirituality, my inner virgin and inner whore, my heart and womb, my body and soul, my lover and beloved, my masculine and feminine, my humanity and my divinity - and this allowed me to first embrace and then truly embody all parts of me, more fully, more wholly.
I am so grateful for having danced with Aphrodite and for this growth within.
5 Week Sacred Women’s Immersion
Online With Camille Willemain
Enrollment Open Until August 16th at 9pm EST
5 Core Aphrodite Modules w Audio Lessons, Embodiment Ceremonies, Aphrodite Playlists, and Playbooks with 28 Aphrodite Rituals ($2000 Value)
15+ Hours of Recorded Video Ceremonies ($2500 Value)
Sexual Baptism: Female Ejaculation Course with Playbook and Audio Journey ($500 Value)
Healing Sexual Shame Audio Embodiment Practice ($100 Value)
Expanding Your Capacity for Pleasure Audio Embodiment Practice ($100 Value)
Sacred Pleasure: 4 Hour Recorded Video Workshop ($500 Value)
Body Worship: In Depth Sexual Anatomy Playbook & Guided Audio Self Pleasure Ceremony ($500 Value)
Private Sisterhood Group Until Summer 2025 ($1000 Value)
LIFETIME access (Priceless)
The invitation to join us again in Summer 2025 FOR FREE ($3500)
The benefits you’ll receive from Awakening Aphrodite are genuinely priceless and will continue to blossom throughout your lifetime.
Now is the time to transform your generational inheritance and bring the sacred feminine back into the center of your life and our world.
This is my invitation for you in Awakening Aphrodite…
Flexible Options Starting at
Easy, accessible monthly payments. At checkout you’ll receive financing options.
One Single Payment of
Pay once and you’re set for the journey. Best value overall and the most relaxed way to begin.
As soon as you register you’ll receive a confirmation email and access to the course. If for any reason you have trouble, just email us