Benefits of Journeying in Our Aphrodite Temple
Love your beautiful body exactly as you are now, beyond any cultural conditioning through the pleasure of your perfect aliveness
Deepen your intimacy with your womb and Her wisdom by awakening the deep red voice within you and answering her call
Melt frozen layers of pain, heartache, loss, and fear through very safe self pleasure as you breathe life back into your whole being
Amplify your self worth through treating your flesh as the sacred holy temple that you are and realizing your inherent divinity
Liberate your wild creature self and feel more alive, awake, and in communion with your soul through directly experiencing your feminine pulse
Unravel distorted beliefs around sexuality, original sin, and spirituality through understanding the false narratives we have adopted through the ages
Awaken your heart-womb, the true union of love and power to radiate your natural feminine essence and physically embody rebirth through descent and ascent within your feminine centers
Heal orgasmically through the yoni gates of clitoris (maiden), g spot (mother), cervix (crone) to reopen the doorways of your passion, pleasure, and power safely within yourself
Embrace your inner virgin and inner whore to embody your whole loving power as a total woman who accesses her sacred tenderness and her sacred wildness to love fully
Clear past lovers from your physical, spiritual, emotional, mental bodies, to re-inhabit your own temple and make clear healthy aligned choices rooted in self sovereignty and self love
Open your heart to love through embracing your romantic yearning as a path to enlightenment, as you deepen in devotion to your Source
Understand your karmic patterns and entanglements, trickster energy, and past self betrayal to choose the highest love you deserve rooted in self worth, self respect, and self devotion
Unite your masculine and feminine energies within, through motherline and fatherline, to merge with another from a place of wholeness and inner divine union, inner marriage, as your own One
Explore your divine gifts from your personal ancestry as well as your unique soul path to gain clarity on your purpose in this lifetime
Reclaim your birthing powers as a woman who came here to anchor love through her creativity, trusting the spark of desire inside of you as Goddess calling you into your dharma
Sever bondages to vows of poverty that have kept women disempowered and in oppression for many generations, and face fears of your own power so that you can shine your gifts in the world
Vision and manifest your Heaven on Earth as the beacon of evolution within you, guiding you forward in the New Paradigm that you create for future generations through your love
Awaken the divine feminine sovereignty that is the necessary medicine for our collective evolution at this time in humanity, contributing to the healing of all women everywhere and in turn all of humanity, our beautiful Mother Earth, and all of life