Queen of the Underworld

Reclaim the Power of Your Dark Nature

6 Week Feminine Rebirth Temple Online
Temple Doors Currently Closed
Join the Waitlist for 2022

A woman can only live as authentically as she has embraced her deepest darkness as the gateway to her most brilliant light. Together we walk the mythic paths of the Queens of the Underworld, Inanna of Ancient Sumeria and Persephone of Ancient Greece, reclaiming the crown of sovereignty that lives down in our roots.

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Once Upon a Time,

A maiden was given a map to descend down into the depths of her innermost being to discover who and what she is really made of. Her time to cross the threshold into her inner underworld was marked by the first flow of the crimson tides, the season of womb winter when her womb shed her first menstrual blood onto the white snow.

This path of descent would be marked with the wisdom of women before her who had crossed these thresholds time and time again, with every black moon, every shedding of the womb, and every winter season.

And yet, the journey was hers to take alone, to discover her own innermost treasure through the unknown.

Through descending into her inner underworld, the maiden would meet her darker nature, her primal wild self, the guardian keeper of death and all of her mysteries, and through this reunion she would learn to trust and weave more of her power into the world as love itself. These descents would deepen her roots to receive the nourishment necessary to blossom authentically into a sovereign lover, mother, queen, priestess, and eventually wise crone.

But through the dawn of patriarchy, these ways of nature were lost, forgotten, buried, hidden, and burned on the cross. Our priestesses became prostitutes, our blood became a curse, our humanity became sinful, and the Earth wisdom ways of Goddess became demonized and feared. Women no longer consciously descended as a magical initiation and avoided the fertile darkness where our power hides.

Which is why so many women find themselves today, lost on the path of wild awakening, victims of external dark forces while avoiding the inner dark sources, not knowing how to cross the thresholds of rebirth, turning against themselves and demonizing the inner allies that are here to help us awaken, heal, bloom, rise, and graciously die to be reborn again.

Many of us are here to change this pattern and finally break the spells in our lineages that shame our pure primal wild nature, and retrieve the full whole true beauty of woman in both heaven and in hell.

We have arrived at a time in our collective story, when humanity has now descended into the dark abyss of underworld consciousness, into the blackness of the mystery where all is coming un-done to be re-born in a higher state of consciousness, where the feminine reclaims her rightful place on her throne once again.

We can fight this, or we can become Queens of this, ushering humanity home to the wild awakening of which we all belong.

We are midwives for the great changing, and our rebirth depends on each of us retrieving and reclaiming the power that lives in our deep feminine Source.

To facilitate this great turning, it is time for all women to return to the gateway of descent, to reclaim the crown of self empowerment as Queens in service of love, and to re-weave our ancient pathways for our future generations, through the darkness, through the soil, through the womb, through the blood.

Truth can be burned and buried, but it never dies. It is hidden in our ancient mythologies, in the wisdom of nature, and in our sacred feminine bodies. We can retrieve this knowing for the redemption of our world now.

Everything is hiding within us.

Let us re-member.
Let us re-birth.

Let us return to our thrones
as Queens of the Underworld
for the well being of all.

* Temple doors are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be on our mailing list and receive information when doors open again. *


Descent as Woman’s Rite of Passage to Rebirth

The dark, the shadow, Hell, the underword, were once all revered as sacred gateways into the mysteries.

“Hell” was in fact the womb gateway, bringing us into the void of all creation where we could reconnect with Source and rebirth ourselves through the fertile darkness, to shed our layers of no-longer-truth, and emerge more authentically aligned with the truest essence of our nature.

All feminine shamanic spiritual systems knew that one must descend before she could ascend, and that this voyage into the fertile underworld was in fact a doorway into the upperworld of cosmic light.

As our feminine mysteries went into hiding during the inquisitions and patriarchal takeover, over many generations most of us forgot these rites of passage once essential for a woman’s full embodiment as a spiritual and sensual being. A part of our wholeness was fragmented, the shadow became demonic, and an aspect of our nature became repressed, forgotten, but never truly lost.

There is no coincidence that during this time of great change many of us have been called to reconnect with divine feminine consciousness and re-member our Goddesses who represent sensuality, fertility, abundance, and beauty through the star of Venus. But Venus herself emerges in radiant light through her time in the underworld.

This journey was mapped in many of our ancient mythologies, most notably the story of Inanna’s Descent, the Sumerian Queen of Heaven, who descends to Hell to meet her sister Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld, and of the story of Persephone’s Descent, the magical maiden of Greek mythos, who is dragged down to the underworld by her father’s brother Hades.

As Inanna descends we are invited to follow her lead, to dive into the inner waters of our own wild emotional depths, to dance with the shadow side and our skeleton woman, and to retrieve the treasure that hides down in the underworld. With Persephone we retrace the distortions we have inherited about a woman’s descent in the hands of patriarchy, and we reclaim a new mythology that empowers us as sovereign beings in the here and now.

Together we will rebirth and resurrect, in and through the dark, as one who not only rises but who sources herself within the depths. We reclaim our thrones as Queens of our own selves.

* Temple doors are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be on our mailing list and receive information when doors open again. *


Our Sacred Journey

Over the course of our six week temple together, we will journey with the most famous mythical underworld Queens, Inanna of Sumeria the Queen of Heaven who chooses to descend to Hell to meet her sister, and Persephone of Greece the naive young maiden who is dragged down to the underworld by Hades.

We will look into the mirrors of these Goddesses as doorways into our own innermost depths, to bring healing, empowerment, forgiveness, reclamation, and wholeness to everything that we have lived.

We will repair the fractures and fragments inherited through a world that has forgotten Goddess, as we become the living breathing embodiment of the true benevolent Queen: the one who has come to embrace all parts of herself as whole and holy.

This will be our empowered journey together…

Doorway One: Wise Preparations

Creating Space for the Journey, Making Preparations, Mapping our Rebirth

As we will see in the stories of both Inanna and Persephone, we do not dive into the underworld naively. We make wise preparations before we descend, resourcing ourselves in the upperworld and in the middleworld, while preparing a map to find our way back out.

In our first doorway, we create space to welcome in the magic of our journey and to explore how we can best support ourselves for the deep dive that is yet to come. We will also open into the whole stories of Persephone and Inanna to give us an overall view and map of the journey we are about to take. In this sense, the entire journey moves back in time to meet us at the beginning as we move forward in time to meet the doorway of completion and final integration.

Doorway Two:
The Descent

Reopening the Doorway of the Past, Stripping Away Layers of Falsity, Becoming Naked

Now our journey truly begins, as we open the doorway into our past, into the world that exists beneath the surface, with Persephone and Inanna as our guides. We will explore the profound difference between Persephone’s Descent, one without preparations or guidance initiated by the dark masculine, and Inanna’s Descent, made strategically with preparations and sovereignly chosen by herself.

Just as Inanna passes through seven gateways to the underworld and is stripped of various layers of her outer power at each one, we will offer seven pieces of our identity to the altar of our practice, as we go deeper into the core of who we truly are. With Persephone we will also bring forth that which we have already lost, and that which we feel was taken from us or sacrificed, to open into greater healing, clarity, and empowerment with our past.

Doorway Three: Skeleton Woman

Meeting the Inner Demon and Eating the Fruits of the Underworld

We arrive now into the womb of the underworld, where we are met with the guardian of this domain: our own darker nature.

In the story of Inanna, she arrives to the underworld to be met with the wrath of her sister Ereshkigal, the Queen of Hell. Ereshkigal is grieving the death of her husband, caused by unconscious actions of Inanna. In a rage Ereshkigal kills Inanna and hangs her onto a hook to die. Fully stripped of our ego, we meet Skeleton Woman, the dark side, and listen to her messages to uncover what we have been oppressing and repressing in our own shadow realms.

As Persephone enters the underworld, she is fed the pomegranate seeds of Hades, which cause her to fall in love with him. We consider the treasures and blood diamonds we have retrieved through our underworld descents, and also the devils we have tied ourselves to through confusing our own pure primal power with whatever we ate out of their hands.

Doorway Four: Death & Rebirth

Grieving the Loss of Our Innocence, Receiving the Nourishment of Life

Our Queens have fully died now to the domain of the underworld, as Persephone has become Hades’ Skeleton Queen and Inanna is hanging on the hook. But there is a force that refuses to allow these Queens to stay in the underworld forever, and this force ensures they too shall rebirth on the other side.

Wise to the likelihood of her death in the underworld, Inanna has arranged for her closest guides to grieve and lament her absence, and for angelic deities to come rescue her in case the plan goes awry. Unable to resurrect her, the angels appeal to Ereshkigal by holding her as she grieves all three nights. Ereshkigal now healed through compassion, agrees to remove Inanna from the hook and the angels bestow Inanna with the same nectar of new life. Together we offer our own “victim” archetype the nectar of radical compassion and we also grieve and lament the death of our identity as Queen of Heaven to bring ourselves back to life.

Persephone has not made these preparations, but her mother Demeter in the upperworld has been grieving and lamenting her death. The Earth has turned to winter and desperate for spring to come again the Gods agree that Persephone will spend half of the year in the upperworld with her mother and the other half in the underworld with Hades. With Persephone we grieve the part of ourselves that we will never “get back” through our awakening out of naivete, and we cross the threshold into our own inner mother as we embrace womanhood.

Doorway Five: The Ressurection

Returning to the Light, Emerging Out of the Underworld, Returning as a New Woman

With the newfound power of our integrated shadow, it is time to rise back up from the underworld.

Just as Inanna returns to her throne as Queen of Heaven and Earth, we will meet the seven aspects of our identity that we placed onto the altar at the beginning of our journey and decide which still fit, which we desire to transform through another cycle, and which are ready to fall away. We will cultivate clarity for what we want to birth in the world through our new power and how we want to live now on the other side of death. We will explore our new relationship with the underworld, and as Inanna’s consort Dumuzi goes to take her place, we will consider how we stay connected to the darkness while rising into the light.

With Persephone we will emerge through the nectar of our grief as the water that blossoms spring back into the wastelands of our lives that have wintered through our loss of innocence. We will explore the difference between the light that has never descended and the light that has been deepened and refined in the dark.

Doorway Six: Whole Integration

Grounding at the Center, Bringing the Wisdom Forth Into Our Lives

We now stand fully at the center, at middleworld, back into the wholeness of our lives. Who are we now that we have returned? How do we weave and bring this wisdom into our relationships, into our service, into our daily activities and ways of being?

There can be a temptation after the underworld descent to wish to stay in the otherworld, in the highs of heaven and the lows of hell. Here we bring ourselves back into our bodies and into the physical matter of this lifetime to make a difference through what we have learned.

We will also reflect on how we can choose in an empowered way to descend when necessary, and how to know when it is the time to descend. This is part of our cyclical nature, through the winters we endure each month with menstruation and the black moon, the night of each day, and the winter season of each year.

* Temple doors are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be on our mailing list and receive information when doors open again. *


What’s Included

Through our six week Queen of the Underworld online temple you will receive…

Weekly audio transmissions, exploring the myths and stories of Inanna and Persephone through each of our temple gateways, providing keys and doorways to illuminate your own path as a woman awakening, through the twists and turns of all that has come before and all that has yet to come.

Weekly audio embodiment journeys for integrating the journey into your physical body and receiving cellular messages from your sensual feminine feeling nature

Weekly audio vision quests and soul retrievals through the paths of Inanna and Persephone into the underworld to heal with the shadow, to journey with throughout our devotional, and receive insights from your deep intuitive self.

Playbooks with rituals, embodiment practices, journaling exercises, and ceremonies to bring the magic alive into your daily life and to explore deeply themes through all of the layers of yourself.

Live online 2.5 hour opening ceremony with our circle of women, where we will open the temple doorways together, share our intentions and visions, and journey through the map we are about to walk through together.

Live online 2.5 hour mid-journey ceremony together, where we will share our experiences so far, offer mirrors for one another, and explore deeper insights through our bodies and our visions.

Live online 2.5 hour closing ceremony with our circle of women, where we will close the temple doorways together, share our intentions and visions for the path ahead, and bring closure and celebration to the journey we have taken.

Access to our private online sisterhood community space for connection and sharing during our temple and long after. This is a treasured safe space for our sisters journeying through the temple to share photos, discoveries as they emerge, ask questions, and feel embraced by community. It’s like having our own private Facebook Group without all of the distractions.

Real magic. It’s difficult to explain in words exactly what transpires within the temple. In addition to our powerful practices, meditations, ceremonies, and exercises, we create a container where the deep feminine awakens within each of us and Her wisdom and transmission ultimately guides our way. Many of our sisters experience profound synchronicity and magic through the temple.

* Temple doors are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be on our mailing list and receive information when doors open again. *


About Your Guide

Hi beautiful, my name is Camille Willemain, I am the founder of Earth Daughters women’s community and mystery school.

Since 2015 I have been facilitating women’s circles and women’s rewilding retreats through the medicine of intuitive dance healing, rebirthing breathwork, somatic self expression, womb presence, and compassionate listening/sharing. I weave ancient wisdom with modern experience to offer doorways for women to discover their own authentic soulful truth.

The journey of Queen of the Underworld is one that I have deeply lived, and it is a true honor to share this magical path with you.

In 2012 when I moved to the jungle of Costa Rica, I experienced a profound mystical and cellular rebirth, through my re-membering of the wild feminine nature who became my Mother, my lover, my partner, my muse. This wild awakening led me to travel in over 25 countries around the world to reconnect with memories of my soul, to let go of my "civilized” life in the United States, to spend 6 years living in the jungle, and to write a blog about my journey that was read by millions of people.

But eventually, the fragments of myself I kept hidden and the skeletons in my dark oceanic depths began to surface and sabotage the beautiful life that I had created for myself. My relationship dissolved with Costa Rica and her jungle magic, and I found myself deep in the dark labyrinth of my own inner underworld, lost and confused to re-member the wild within my own self.

This journey included many intense, painful, and also expansive and profound initiations, including a near death experience that sent me through the veil into the other realms, communions with original ancestors and past lifetimes in the Priestesshood, self realization and extended states of enlightenment, and eventually debilitating PTSD and nervous system disregulation that humbled me to my knees.

When nothing made sense of my experience, I realized that I was re-membering an ancient pathway, a thread back to the wisdom of woman, of the deep feminine, that is woven into all of our mythologies and that we may have collectively abandoned but that our bodies, our wombs, and our blood could never forget.

My journey became one of apprenticing myself to the whole dynamic full range of the feminine, in all of her faces as my own, reclaiming my “too muchness” as my love and my power, and re-membering Her within me as the wild nature herself, the wild nature that had been stripped from my bloodline many generations ago through colonization and patriarchy.

I believe that our stories are rich with medicine, and when these stories are integrated with embodiment, pleasure, expression, release, and validation within a safe sacred circle of women also re-membering, we reopen doorways within the body and the deep psyche that liberate vast wells of our power that become nectar and medicine to bless our own lives, our relationships, and our world.

We are so deeply connected, and when one woman re-members she reawakens and enlightens pathways for all women to remember. We each have this power and it is needed in the world now.


Testimonials from Our Tribe

Priya Jensen
Medicine Women 2021

Camille is a master at revitalizing goddess mythology and breathing it fresh, with penetrating relevance, into current time. She provides a place for women to find their footing, sink their roots, flower, fruit and flourish, even in the difficult terrain of a dry and worn out patriarchy. She provides a path of mending the masculine and feminine to create unity within and without.

The container with which she holds her circles is truly and impeccably filled with Love and Integrity. Take any of her offerings, put your whole heart into it as she has hers, and you will emerge a Medicine Woman, Whole and Healed. I have such a deep love and respect for Camille’s beautiful heart and how she offers it to the world!”

Teresa Biggs
Awakening Aphrodite 2021

“To do the work of integrating Body + Soul, Light + Dark, Humanity + Divinity is not easy. I recognized this and was looking to further my connection with this process. There are many twists and turns and the most challenging is not knowing what you don’t know along the journey. To find a teacher/facilitator/guide to the unknown is truly a precious gift. One I didn’t know I needed. Camille not only offers deep wisdom (that born of knowledge + experience), but also facilitates a safe & sacred space for you to discover yourself again and again and again. Camille guides with authenticity, compassion, and refreshing realness. I always felt safe in Temple sharing/expressing my true self and feeling state.

With my whole heart, I highly recommend working with Camille.”

Nina Wosar
Medicine Women 2019

“Camille is an absolutely AMAZING facilitator and space holder. It's evident that she has walked the path of doing the deep inner work and she brings this depth to all that she shares. True authenticity, vulnerability and the highest integrity!!!

She weaves her own unique soul wisdom with archetypes, ancient Earth wisdom teachings and empowering embodiment practices including yoga, breathwork, dance as healing medicine and SO much more. It’s a transformational work of art that she pours her whole soul into. I feel SO honoured and blessed to have had this experience and looking forward to more opportunities to journey with this magnificent woman. I HIGHLY recommend working with her if you feel the call!

Amanda Boleman
Love Siren 2019

"Camille stands as a guiding light for all womxn who are ready to transform their pain into power. It is an honor and pleasure to witness the way she always chooses her truth, her integrity, her Self, giving us all permission to do the same.

She has unlocked dormant codes within me simply by being herself and choosing to show up no matter what. The experiences she creates are pure divine love and magic."

Jen Baranovic
Love Siren 2021

My experience working with Camille has been profound and deeply transformative. I feel that she has the innate gift of seeing beyond a person to their higher self, and that she is able to work absolute magic in healing someone in that plane. She naturally creates openness and community, and fosters a sense of vulnerability and connection by offering herself very genuinely as well. I can't express how powerful it is to have someone so tuned-in guiding you through personal growth.

Camille is the kind of healer that creates this lovely network of safety and purpose around the sometimes scary inner work of reaching for higher states of consciousness and more meaningful life. I have been in awe of the ways I found myself accessing and peeling back new layers of deeper authenticity, always in ways I didn't know I was aching to stretch.

The gift of this facilitation is beyond what any description might possibly say. These experiences will change your life in a substantial, cellular, organic way that is unable to be contained with language.


Benefits of Our Journey

Initiate yourself into your deep feminine power through apprenticing yourself to the light that hides in your shadow

Heal and integrate with your past through reverence, forgiveness, and true empowerment

Source deeper layers of your purpose through entering the fertile void where your greatest treasures hide

Unshackle yourself from karmic relationships and other addictions through realizing your own pure primal nature you are truly yearning to receive

Embody your womb power and anchor deeper into your sensuality and the rooted support of Mother Earth

Deepen your self love and self worth through embracing every part of yourself as truly sacred

Cultivate greater compassion for yourself, for your journey, and for others in this feminine labyrinth of awakening

Alchemize your emotions as teachers, guides, and elementals that support you in being more human, whole, and alive

Feel more courageous through meeting your own inner demons and fears and reclaiming them as your power

Transform your inner “saboteur” into your sacred counterpart and guardian of the deep mysteries

Improve the quality of your relationships with others by healing the wounded spaces within yourself

Gain clarity for your service and work in the world by understanding your path, your journey, and your healing, on a deeper level

Trust life through trusting death, as you learn to see through the darkness and appreciate the medicine the underworld brings

Reclaim the feminine mysteries and spiritual Rebirth rites that were once essential gnosis for all women and are so deeply needed as medicine for our world now

* Temple doors are currently closed. Join the waitlist to be on our mailing list and receive information when doors open again. *


Wait List for Queen of the Underworld

Temple Doors Currently Closed
Join the Wait List for 2022

    Write to us camille@earthdaughters.org if you have any questions at all.

    With love and blessings to you sacred woman.

    and the Earth Daughters team
