Treasure for the Soul
Welcome to our living library, filled with mythological magic, the stories of women across time and space, poetry and musings for the wild soul, sensual priestess arts, Earth wisdom rituals, and tools for walking the path of a sacred woman.
Reclaiming Herstory + Ourstory
Who are we, truly, and where have we come from? Together we reweave our collective story as women through diving into the stories of feminine archetypes, fairytales, myths, and Goddesses across the ages to illuminate our personal path and reclaim sovereignty now.
Sacred Sexuality + Feminine Embodiment
A woman’s body contains the codes for all creation. Reclaiming the sacredness of our bodies is how we heal the shame and desecration of this sacred Earth body. These articles and rituals offer gateways to healing, activating, and loving the magic within your flesh and bones.
Earth Wisdom + Medicine Wheel
We all come from a culture of people who lived in sacred harmony with our Mother Earth. By aligning ourselves with the shamanic wisdom traditions of the world and of our Priestess ancestors we heal the wound of separation and return to the reciprocal dance of life.
Shadow Work + Radical Love
Totally, fully loving without holding back requires totally, fully facing ourselves. Our dark, ugly, scary aspects and our light, beautiful, magical aspects with the same reverence. These articles offer guidance for being the compassion that sets yourself and everyone free.
Poetry + Musings for the Wild Soul
Poetry and mini contemplations to bring you deep into the feminine knowing that stirs your soul from the inside out. Perfect for when you want a moment of inspiration or to quickly receive a potent soul stirring transmission.
My Stories
Everything that you feel is valid and everything that you are is holy. I’m honored to share my stories, insights, and wisdom as reminders and permission slips for every woman to more fully celebrate the magic that she has always been.